
Branded Jackets and Outdoor Gear
Ensure your employees and customers stay cozy and warm this fall and winter with branded jackets and outdoor gear from Pacific Color Graphics. We ship nationwide, offering an endless variety of options from useful to festive and fun. Put your logo or message on anything, boosting morale and raising awareness of your business while spreading holiday cheer. Make an impression, advertising your business throughout the cold-weather season with our wide selection of winter promotional products.
Our Pleasanton and Mesa Offices Serve Businesses Throughout the US
Our team can manage all of your promotional product needs, from design and printing through order fulfillment and shipping. We can even help you create and manage your own intra-company store, making it easy and cost-effective for your employees and customers to order coveted company branded swag.
Company Branded Jackets
Make a bold statement in cold weather with warm, logoed jackets. We offer a variety of styles and materials, from soft fleece and quilted coats to 3-in-1 jacket designs from popular brands like Carhartt, Everett, North Face, Nike, and more.
Our extensive selection of light, medium, and heavyweight pullover and zip-up hoodies in cotton, fleece, and French terry designs is unsurpassed. Emblazon your logo on the front or choose dye sublimation hoodies for all-over printing. Stock up on this cold-weather staple now!
Stay warm without getting your sleeves wet with packable, insulated, and puffy vests. We offer a variety of options, from budget-friendly to name-brand, designer labels.
Rain gear
Check out our bright, bold, and affordable all-season Anorak jackets, eco-friendly EVA raincoats, packable ponchos, and festive umbrella designs.
Beanie caps are warm, wallet-friendly, and fashionable. Choose from traditional knit and pom-pom designs, or fun and festive light-up holiday caps. Lightweight and easy to pack and tote, beanies are the perfect solution for trade show giveaways.
Our scarves are perfect for complementing sweaters on a crisp winter day. Choose from classic knit options, bright and bold infinity scarves, or the sought-after softness of our imitation rabbit fur scarves.
Shop our expansive winter glove selection, including knit and fleece touchscreen finger styles, flip mittens, and attention-grabbing LED gloves for fun, festive nights outdoors. Pair with reusable/rechargeable hand warmers for frigid winter days.
Socks and Slippers
Nothing beats a soft, fuzzy pair of socks, slipper socks, or slippers for protection against chilly floors.
Blankets and Throws
We offer a nearly unlimited selection of snuggly blankets and throws, including unbelievably soft microfleece blankets and hooded blankets perfect for lounging around the house.
Winter Wellness Kit
Ensure employees and customers enjoy a COVID-free winter. Keep them warm and safe with our winter wellness kit, featuring a beanie, scarf, and face mask. Available in a variety of colors.
Travel Gear
We offer a range of promotional items for people on-the-go, from backpacks and fanny packs to folding chairs and travel mugs.
Spread a little warmth in the chilly winter weather with branded jackets and outdoor gear from Pacific Color Graphics. Located in Pleasanton and Mesa, and serving businesses throughout the US, Pacific Color Graphics has you covered, with quality products and fast shipping. Contact us at 888-551-1482 to place your order for winter gear today.