Trends in Eco-Friendly Packaging

Eco-friendly Packaging Trends
In recent years, consumers have become more aware of the power their spending habits have in demanding eco-friendly packaging. Many consumers are buying products packaged using materials that are recyclable and reusable, and the packaging industry has taken note.
Eco-friendly packaging is something that Pacific Color Graphics is passionate about and constantly strives to improve upon. We serve businesses in the Bay Area, including Silicon Valley, San Jose, San Francisco, Walnut Creek and Livermore. We can provide your business with smart and innovative eco-friendly packaging that your customers will appreciate.
Eco-friendly is the way of the future
There are many promising trends in eco-friendly packaging that are working to reduce waste associated with packaging materials. These trends include:
- Recyclable materials. It may seem simple, but a large push for completely recyclable materials in packaging means a lot less garbage in the landfill. Experts are constantly striving to find new ways to recycle necessary packaging materials that have historically been difficult to recycle.
- Reducing packaging. Many manufacturers are making packaging as lightweight and small as possible. This really is a case of less is more. Less material, less waste, less manufacturing and shipping costs equals more savings for both the business and the consumer. It’s a win-win situation here!
- Labelling that informs the consumer. Consumers want to make the responsible choice when it comes to eco-friendly packaging. Clear labelling on the outside of a package that details if and how much of it is recyclable is a great way to help them.
- Plant-based plastics. This is an exciting new avenue for the packaging industry. Using renewable biomass sources, some manufacturers are producing bioplastics for packaging materials. At the moment, there are a limited number of facilities making bioplastics, but it is the way of the packaging future.
- A shift in shipping materials. The shipping industry is also jumping on the eco-friendly trend. Using materials like biodegradable packing peanuts and air pillow cushions, shipping has never been safer and greener.
Pacific Color are sustainability experts
Pacific Color Graphics knows that eco-friendly packaging is important to you and your customers. Our experts can help create packaging that will keep your product safe while being made from recyclable and reusable materials. If your business is located in the Bay Area, call us today at 888-551-1482 or click here to visit our website and request a quote.